
Listen to Mark Dowdy

Listen to Mark Dowdy, the man behind the Fearless Song, tomorrow morning at 6:50am (eastern) on WDUN news talk 550 in Georgia. You can listen online at and also by using the access north GA app.

Adam Brown’s life: FEARLESS—the single

Please take a few minutes to listen to the song inspired by Adam Brown’s life: FEARLESS—the single—by Mark Dowdy can be played for FREE right here. Share this link widely and come back and comment right here.


Okay friends, the world premiere of FEARLESS: The Single by MARK DOWDY can be purchased for .99 cents on … Search for “FEARLESS: The Single, Mark Dowdy” … We are still a few days from being able to offer a free listen on my website, but wanted to share this now for those who

Honor Adam in Song

A couple weeks back I was contacted by a reader who told me FEARLESS profoundly touched his heart and he wanted to honor Adam in song. There is more to this story, but I will tell you now that the result has flat out blown me away… The Brown family just heard FEARLESS: The Single

Hot Springs Books-A-Million Signing

Here are some more photos from the debut book signing at Books A Million in Hot Springs Arkansas last week. Hundreds turned out to support the Brown Family (all of whom signed books alongside me) and to honor their hometown hero—Adam Brown. One of the Book Signing advertisements that ran in the local papers around

Best Father’s Day Ever

Had many things to be thankful for, today as a father of three amazing children. AND, to top it off, it was my daughter’s dance recital where all the dad’s in her class got, “recruited” to dance along on stage, yes in front of a packed house for the five year old performance of “A

Hudson News at Newark Airport

Thank you Louis and Ledelyne at the Hudson News at Newark Airport (C Terminal) where I found FEARLESS on the bestseller display. I signed the four copies they had on hand.

A Tribute to Adam – Jumping from the 70 West Bridge

Here are some photos of me jumping from the 70 West Bridge into Lake Hamilton last Thursday. Adam’s brother Shawn and Adams friend Chris (Stubby) Dunkel joined me and we all agreed, it sure seemed higher than expected once we stepped up onto that narrow cement ledge and looked down! If you have read FEARLESS,

San Diego Airport Bookstore

On my way to Stamford, CT and look what’s on the top shelf of the nonfiction/military section in the San Diego Airport bookstore.

FEARLESS moves up to #7 on the New York Times best seller list!

We got some exciting news the other day, FEARLESS has jumped up to #7 on the New York Times hardcover nonfiction best seller list and #9 on the E-book/print nonfiction list.  It’s an exciting day for everybody who was involved in this book.  Thank you all! New York Times hardcover nonfiction best seller list New