"When Adam Brown woke up on March 17, 2010, he didn't know he would die that night in the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan—but he was ready." That was the first line I typed when I began writing Adam's story in FEARLESS, and it became the first sentence in the book. It has been three years since Adam gave his life for his country, and tomorrow morning I will begin posting more than 100 letters from high school students who wrote to Kelley, Nathan, and Savannah after reading FEARLESS—a testament to the power of Adam's legacy. Until then, here is a photo of one of Adam's best friends—fellow SEAL known as "Christian" in the book, paying his respects at Adam's Grave last year with Adam's father Larry. It is posted here with Christian's permission to honor Adam and the entire Brown family who today feel that bittersweet clash of pride and sadness. Heartfelt thoughts and prayers to all of you today. Thank you again for the honor of telling Adam's story. —Eric
Three Years Since Adam Gave His Life for his Country