Dinner with the Brown Family at Stubby’s BBQ

Just rolled into Hot Springs, Arkansas and had dinner with the Brown Family at Stubby’s BBQ. Chris “Stubby” Dunkel, shown here with me, will join me on tomorrow morning on Talk of the Town with Dick Antoine (KZNG radio) sharing his memories of Adam and talking about FEARLESS. →
Travel Time
On my way to Hot Springs, Arkansas (Adam’s hometown) for some book signings and talks tomorrow and Friday. →
Huffington Post Review
Ashley Rindsberg of the Huffington Post wrote this great review of FEARLESS titled Depoliticizing SEAL team SIX. In Fearless a new book by Eric Blehm, author of the NYT Bestseller The Only Thing Worth Dying For, we’re offered one of the first real human portraits of a DEVGRU member, Adam Brown, one of the most →
June 5 Radio Interviews
Here are my radio interviews scheduled for tomorrow, June 5. All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. 6:30 am: WTJS in Jackson, TN on Mac in the Morning 9:30 am: KBAR in Rupert, ID with Zeb Bell 11:00 am: WFAG Grace FM in Ft. Lauderdale, FL with Lesley Hurst 6:00 pm: Blog Talk Radio with →
FEARLESS makes the New York Times best seller list!
Adam’s story is a National Bestseller! I’m SO excited to learn that FEARLESS has landed in multiple bestseller lists its first week on sale. #10 for nonfiction ebook; #17 for nonfiction hardcovers; #14 for the combined e-book/hardcover list. It’s also #15 on Publisher’s Weekly’s bestseller list! Thank you so much for your support, and for →
May 31 Radio Interviews
Here are the radio interviews scheduled for May 31, 2012 (all times listed in Pacific Standard Time) 5:45 am: WTKF in Greenville, NC with Ben Ball (Coastal Daybreak) 7:30 am: KDAZ in Albuquerque, NM with Birga & Dan 8:00 am: The Phoenix Network in Orlando, FL with Doug Guetzloe 9:10 am: KCAA in San Bernadino, →
Eric’s Website

Want to stay up to date on news and receive email updates from me? Go to my website to signup: →
Territorial Dispatch Review
Thank you to Territorial Dispatch for this review of FEARLESS: FEARLESS: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown is an unprecedented view of SEAL Team SIX, by best selling author Eric Blehm. Everyone connected with the highly secret SEAL Team SIX has always denied it even existed. But →
Pause and Remember
Memorial Day. Lets all take pause and remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice today. AND, those who continue to put their lives on the line so that we might enjoy the freedoms have. →