Military Times Blog
Outside The Wire – Silver Star or no, injured vet athlete is “amazing,” says wife A blog from the staff of Army Times Military Times Blog →
Outside The Wire – Silver Star or no, injured vet athlete is “amazing,” says wife A blog from the staff of Army Times Military Times Blog →
Sept. 30, 2012, marked the 4,000th day the Rangers of the 75th Ranger Regiment have been continuously deployed in combat against terrorists and insurgents in the War on Terror. On October 19, 2001, Rangers from 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, conducted a daring, low level airborne assault onto an airfield in Kandahar, Afghanistan, spearheading the →
Take a look at this. Some of the Green Berets from ODA-574 might get the Silver Stars their Captain (now Lieutenant Colonel) Jason Amerine put them in for eleven years ago as reported in my book The Only Thing Worth Dying For. See this article reported by Joe Gould for the Army Times: If →
Been reading a few good, and some GREAT books the past couple weeks… Here is one of the great ones you won’t be able to put down: Book →
Just got this forwarded to me from a U.S. Army Ranger I met a few weeks ago at the NASCAR Race in Atlanta. He is now somewhere in Central Asia. His comment along with this article was: “Interesting.” Article →
Just got an email from Joshua, a self described “computer geek” asking what my most popular post has been. With some coaching, I figured out that 35,948 people saw this post when the book trailer for FEARLESS went live on YouTube. Since there are at least a few hundred new people here now, hope the →
Last week, I met Mark Dowdy, the singer/songwriter who was so inspired by Adam Browns story, he wrote the song FEARLESS. We were invited to be on a local radio station in Mark’s hometown of Gainesville, Georgia to discuss the collaboration and that interview was just posted on YouTube. If you’ve got a few minutes to →
When you watch this short video, you don’t need to know what this World War II Veteran saw decades ago to understand the raw emotion of his memories. Just watch his eyes. Tonight, this YouTube video has had 73 viewers. Lets share it far and wide and make it 100, and then 1000, and then 10,000, →
For those of you who don’t know my roots in Snowboarding, I started “riding” in 1984; and on one of my first hiking trips to the San Bernardino Mountains (SNOWBOARDING was not allowed at most ski resorts then) I met a guy on the side of the road testing some new boards out. Ended up it →