Author Archive

Living Fearless: Discussion Guides

I have had many requests for discussion questions for book clubs, study groups, or for individuals to reflect more on the story of Adam’s life. I’m happy to share two study guides. This is a free download.  You are encourage to share them! 1.  A general conversation guide 2. A faith-based Bible study with Scripture

THE TRIDENT: the memoir of US Navy SEAL Jason Redman

I had the privilege of reading an advance copy of THE TRIDENT: the memoir of US Navy SEAL Jason Redman. It releases Nov. 5th, and can be pre-ordered now everywhere books are sold. Some of you might remember Jason from a note he posted on his hospital door after being horribly wounded on the field

The Definition Of Sacrifice

I just learned about this project. Take a look. What Chris is doing is both selfless and inspiring, a veteran helping other veterans… The photographs are amazing… Take a look at his FB page here, and help him spread the word! Thanks!        

Tune In! Adam Honored during University of Arkansas Halftime Show

It was a pleasure to speak with Brad Reed from Fox 24 News Edge in Fayetteville, Arkansas this evening. He is covering the University of Arkansas game tomorrow where Adam will be honored during the halftime show. Please tell a friend to tune into the game, and be there with the Brown family for what

The Crash Reel

I just watched The Crash Reel, the documentary/story of the rise, fall, and inspiring comeback from Traumatic Brain Injury of pro-snowboarder Kevin Pearce. This is bar none, the best documentary I have ever seen. It is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. Do yourself a favor and watch it, this isn’t a documentary about snowboarding, it’s a

Gregory Marra Art Honoring American Patriots

Hello all! I have been absent and off the grid for the past month, spending time with family, but wanted to share with you the art of Gregory Marra. He’s a gifted sculptor who has dedicated his life to honoring American Patriots. Please take a look at his portfolio, and note the work in-progress sculpture

Give It All

Reminded today that Adam lived his life ready to give it all-body and soul-for the freedoms we all enjoy. Live Fearless |            

Enter to Win

ENTER TO WIN June 16-July 19, 2013 To honor the legacy of Adam Brown, you are invited to share a LIVE FEARLESS story about someone you know that lives with the same spirit as Adam. Tell us about yourself, your parent, your sibling, your neighbor, a teacher, or any other remarkable person that displays courage

Father’s Day

A note for Nathan and Savannah Brown this weekend, on father’s day: I know your father is so proud of you. Remember his words from a letter he wrote you while deployed in Iraq. (excerpted from FEARLESS): “You kids, Nathan and Savannah, y’all are so precious to me. I get chills thinking about watching you