My mom Elaine was always one of the happiest people around. It didn't matter what was going on in life or how little food we had to eat, she found the silver lining in the clouds and taught her 3 three daughters to do the same. Granted, that is much more difficult than it sounds. So when she was diagnosed with lung cancer, it was yet just another cloud for her. I don't know how she managed to keep a smile on her face while having to stop working because she was too weak, or when we got the eviction notice because she could no longer pay rent, or even when the Sheriff showed up and escorted us out of our home. She was a single mother with 3 girls but she never quit, even when we had to live in a motel for 4 months. She was courageous, she looked cancer in the eye and even though she ultimately lost the battle, she held her chin high and would not let the big C defeat her spirit. She inspires me every day to take a chance, to believe in myself, and to have the courage to face life in the midst of hardship and pain. She did, and I know I can too.